Banishing the darkness in the day.

Now, just to be a bit clearer, this blog won’t be all rainbows and butterflies. Life doesn’t work that way. But what it will stress is that quintconsequentials can make all the difference. Like a sunburst on a cloudy day, they have an inexplicable beauty which evades any efforts to capture it with words, but is experienced by people every day. Nevertheless, I will endeavour to capture these polished grains of reality as the heartbeat of this blog.

And of course, I won’t just be writing about reality, either. There will be most likely be a piece of flash fiction posted within the next week, and possibly even something about my current projects. Those of you who know my writing will have heard of the Alabaster & Nash Chartered Detective Agency, I’m sure.

Like most University students, I live in a bit of a bubble where current affairs are concerned, but if a news story piques my interest then it may well earn a place on this blog. Similarly, now and then I may post about whatever my magpie mind is attracted to. A decorative way of feathering my new electronic nest, or so I hope.

I’d also like to say thank you to those of you who have read my first entry and given me feedback; in particular, those of you who were talking to me as The Spark descended… You know who you are.

The Post Office:


'Quintconsequential' is a word of my own invention, despite the definition in the style of the Oxford English Dictionary featured on the site. By all means, use it, whisper it, shout it from the rooftops. But please, remember that you heard it here first!