Oh fudgesticks. NaNoWriMo is here!

So I decided to write again. Hello blog!

After blowing some dust off of the keyboard and getting comfortable, I remembered how I used to enjoy keeping a blog. So here I am. Tidbits of what I’m writing over the month should appear here, *fingers crossed*

That’s it for now, as it’s nearly midnight and I need to get ready!


Let the madness begin.

NaNoWriMo: Let the Games begin!

Oh gosh. I must be out of my mind.

At midnight last night I started NaNoWriMo 2011.

Consider my posts over the next month as a chronicle of my descent into insanity. For those of you who are as crazy as I am, my Nano ID is AngelWithDirtyHands – you’ll be able to find me once the search function is fixed!

My story at present started out from a joke with my friend, when we were planning a collaborative piece together. It’s working title is: “The Thrilling Adventures of Dr FredBob and Machete Jane” and it will most likely be the craziest piece of drivel you ever did see.

I expect it’ll be fun, though!

Q, signing out.

The Post Office:


'Quintconsequential' is a word of my own invention, despite the definition in the style of the Oxford English Dictionary featured on the site. By all means, use it, whisper it, shout it from the rooftops. But please, remember that you heard it here first!